Mason Bee House

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Add more valuable bee pollinators to your garden with heavy-duty cedar Mason bee house. These professional-grade Mason bee houses have removable cedar trays for annual cleaning. They are called masons because they work with mud to build & seal their nests. Mason bees are attracted to flowering plants, such as vegetables, fruit trees & bushes, flowering annuals, perennials & vine plants.

Add more valuable bee pollinators to your garden with heavy-duty cedar Mason bee house. These professional-grade Mason bee houses have removable cedar trays for annual cleaning. They are called masons because they work with mud to build & seal their nests. Mason bees are attracted to flowering plants, such as vegetables, fruit trees & bushes, flowering annuals, perennials & vine plants.

Their work in the spring can determine the volume of fruit or vegetables that will be available to harvest. Mount to a post or wall ideally near a source of mud. For best results, use near flowering plants known to attract bees (bee Balm, black-eyed Susan, purple coneflower, etc.). The fiberboard nesting tubes should be replaced each Spring after Mason bees have emerged from their nests.




Brand: Woodlink
Manufacturer: Woodlink-Panacea Products
Material: Cedar Wood
Color: Wood
Style: Heavy Duty
Target Species: Bee
Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 7.87 x 14.13 inches
Item Weight: 2.94 pounds


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